So…what’s the best
way to run?
There is no one “right” way to run. We
know this thanks to years of performing
running gait analyses. Because of factors
like bone shape and ligament strength,
we each have a unique way of running
that works for us. And we’re not here to
“fix” your run—only to perfect it. Scroll
down to learn more about your Run Signature.
Run Signature: A stride all your own
Our studies show that when you move your legs, your joints have their own natural path of least resistance that optimizes muscle use and saves energy.
It’s a set of motions your body seeks to repeat over and over again as you run. We call this natural path your Run Signature because it is unique to you.

Should you choose neutral or support shoes?
Some runners constantly deviate from their Run Signature through excess knee and ankle movement. To help these runners stay in their optimal motion path, we designed GuideRails® technology, found in our support shoes.
Runners who stay within their natural movement patterns may prefer neutral shoes.

The next step: Choose your experience
What are you looking for in a running shoe? Choose one of our four running
experiences to get the shoe that’s best for your plans.